AUTOBIZ SYSTEM leading to a new future

This is an introduction to the CI of Autobiz Systems.

Autobiz Systems' CI was designed to develop the best vehicle diagnostic and analysis solutions that keep pace with the dynamism of vehicle electronic control technology.
In particular, the graphic motif AUTOBIZ, which evokes a sense of advanced technology and an enterprising future, emphasizes the company's commitment to being future-oriented and to increasing value creation and service reliability for customers.
Color system
The main color of the representative CI, 'AUTOBIZ' (Masque/Font), is a symbol of infinite trust and reflects the company's future commitment to global growth.
Autobiz Systems' representative CI color is blue, and white is used as a background in principle.
Black and white
In principle, a white background is used, and it cannot be used on any media other than black and white.
Logo Type
Autobiz Systems' logotype has two types: Korean and English. In general, it is used in cases where a matte black effect is applied with a Myeongjo font.
Corporate vision slogan
We have embodied the spirit of a company that constantly contemplates unexplored possibilities, discards conventional senses and thoughts, and creates innovative value to meet the desires and happiness of customers.